Posted by laurapayne on Feb 27, 2014 in
Many enterprises, mainly txteis, if had become reality, (Pipe, 1977, PP.72-73). Suzigan (1986), evidenced that during the Economic depression great plants and industries of diverse segments had been established. The expansionista monetary politics and the adopted institucional reforms, although the abuses in the market of values, had resulted positive in terms of industrial investment. In the Economic depression, according to Tannuri (1981), it did not have only game and speculation. This period if also characterized for an internal real accumulation. 5.2.3. Opponent of the arbitrariedades in the next governments Outside to the government, Rui Barbosa became the main opponent of the arbitrariedades and the authoritarian disobediences of Floriano Peixoto and in critical hand-vise of the first civil presidents: Cautious of Moral and Salles Fields. 6.
The industry of civil construction 6.1. The habitation lack the escravismo the laboring life was after not substantiated only in its social relations, as well as for its conditions of life. Many workers worked in specific places, in devaluated regions. The low price of lands and the proximity of the railroad stations attracted the new industries and many of the immigrants just-fond for the Brs, the Good one I remove and the Mooca. He had a standard of housing represented for the tenement house excess. Normally, the small habitations of poor, monotonous and humble style formed that standard.
The houses, in general, constructed in ‘ ‘ ugly and strong style of colnia’ ‘ , it does not have more than what one or two floors. All a set of medium brown and tristonhos roofs, raised in a unmatched feio: building desrebocados, encardidos (…) true frangalhos architectural. The slopes that trepam stop the mount is damaged and dirty. They have, however, a life intensssima, serving, as they serve the immense beehive human being, active and rumorosa that is installed and lived there.
Tags: art and science
Posted by laurapayne on Feb 27, 2014 in
The violent story does not appear as what is present in society as State of emergency: appears as that experience that permeates it). Says psychiatrist Luis Carlos Restrepo: this sore country needs an exploration, both cultural and sensory, to allow progress in the way of repairs collective, because our life depends largely on the type of Pact that we establish with the dead when a culture begins to become a field of unburied dead lurking us with your stench so we shed blood again and saciemos their desires of revenge – is essential to acclimatize the profession gravediggers the power of the living over the dead, it lies in that, unlike them, I continue generating language spurting, exuberance that highlights against the pathetic dumbness of the deceased. To not be puppets in the capricious hands of the memory, it is important to understand our dialogue with death as a field of decision that opens the possibility to re-select a shared life (1997: 188). Walter Benjamin says: The tradition of the oppressed teaches us that the State of exception is the rule. We have to reach even the concept of history that applies to you. Then it will be our eyes as our task, the production of the true state of exception; and thereby improve our position in the fight against fascism (Benjamin does 53). There are two types of stories that should be linked to try to give you a place to violence: the intimate story that can carry out the duel and the story of responsible public voice carriers words.
The condition for leaving the disaster lies in the possibility of interlacing both narratives. With the voice of these two stories narrative form is given to the State of emergency and as such moves. Again, your condition of public possibility is precisely any mediation that negotiate the conflict as such. But the social responsibility of the privileged, those who have had the possibility of studying, to become professionals, in a country without scales and justices, can not be forgotten, it is necessary that you give back in society, to work in the social and political shortcomings and if necessary change it all, which is done, because the chances of conceiving a genuine democracy at least in the case of Colombiathey are still lost, and media are still promoting some amano to the currently established order, creating acceptance, obeying maquiavelos. When will come the day that are at stake in Colombia a political class called to be the true representation of the people (as it should be the democracy), when the dolphins, will end when the imposition, it will end when the idea will become fact. Work, work and work should be the slogan of the opposition, of young people, because the country does not change with makeup figures or more weapons for the war, nor with the strengthening of the public force as to the ones who terrifies is the same people. When come the answers? Juan David Rojas Guzman, is a student of history of the University of Valle in the city of Cali, Colombia, is a prospect of writer, who has published articles in various journals as SEMANA.COM, and local magazines. original author and source of the article
Tags: as flirting, for, girls, tactics
Posted by laurapayne on Feb 21, 2014 in
Recommendation: Work with your self-esteem. Strengthen your self-concept or image. Focus on your talents, not your flaws. Result: to project a strong leadership, powerful, proactive. 3.Tristeza / depression This emotion helps prepare you to take a significant loss or frustrated expectations.
When prolonged, it means you live under constant job dissatisfaction (or personal). Recommendation: cry if you did not get the promotion he so wished, if the project you carried out was not planned results or if you’ve visited 30 customers and all you said no. But then grab a tissue, dry your tears, releasing the pain this caused you, otherwise you will begin to perceive the world full of bitterness and paralyzes you, making the problem worse. Embark on a new beginning but applying a different formula. Do not come back to do the same because you’ll get the same results. If you have trouble this step, ask for help.
Results: They reflect an optimistic and creative leadership. Allows 4.Preoccupacion focus all your skills and creativity in solving a challenge or problem. “If we’re concerned, it means you perceive too many situations or challenges such as work or personal circumstances over which you have no influence or control, so chances are you’re under constant stress or anxiety. Recommendation: facing a challenge or problem, take some time to think about possible causes and solutions. Define your strategies and take good roads required that you dictate your experience and common sense.
Tags: your coaching business
Posted by laurapayne on Feb 15, 2014 in
According to Menendez (1999). 4. Tobacco and the Brazilian Economy Is fact that the commercialization of the tobacco played and still contributes with great relevance in the economy of Brazil. Initiate from the first contacts of the Portuguese stops with us and until the present, the culture of the tobacco contributes for the development and economic growth. The first act tax for Portugal occurred during century XVII, when the commerce of the product submitted it some legislaes. The Portuguese monopoly was established in 1674, with the creation of the Meeting of the Administration of the Tobacco, that conducted the tobacco in Portugal and its colonies.
Numerous taxes had been servant, as tenths, donations, municipal laws and customs taxes. in perpassar of our history you vary crises and deriving apogees of the culture of the tobacco had reached the Brazilian economy, namely: the treated one to 1815, that traffics it forbade it of slaves and that had negative consequence in the economy because diminished the speculation. Although inefficacious to contain the traffic of slaves, the treated one to 1815, when of new under the British cohesion, the Brazilian parliament approved plus a law forbidding the importation of African slaves (BARICKMAM, 2003, P. 68) the production Brazilian tobacco followed it three directions. Of better quality they were ordered for metropolis, that is, more especificadamente Lisbon, objectifying the consumption of the cut, while of average inferior quality, pparently the same destination, was sent to other European countries, that absorbed then about 60% of the Brazilian exportations. The tobacco of third leads was for the local consumption. It is I validate to emphasize that apogee of the commercialization of the tobacco in colonial Brazil is dated approximately in the end of century XVIII. Much even so, the national and international politics of the first decades of century XIX if had not kept favorable for the tobacco.
Tags: administration and businesses
Posted by laurapayne on Feb 10, 2014 in
It describes what it is a participativa management; which the factors that will go to influence the taking of decisions; as the pertaining to school management implies in the creation of a participativo environment. Through the development of the present study, it will be possible to observe as significant changes in the model of pertaining to school management in Brazil had occurred and as these reforms they had influenced the movement to democratize the pertaining to school management and to improve the educational quality. Introduction the educational context and the formation of managers have been object of constant questioning and studies in the educational field. In general way these studies approach questions theoretical pedagogical, of interaction between managers, professors, pupils and employees. It is treated to appraise as the participativa management corroborates for the good performance of the pertaining to school unit in the fulfilment of its indices and goals. The emphasis in the model of democratic pertaining to school management observed currently in Brazil, is coherent with the world-wide trends in education.
The pertaining to school effectiveness is guided by the concern how much, that is, with the significant learning of the pupils, way who know its world, itself same and has adjusted instruments to face the challenges of the life. Maximiano (1995) detaches the Model of Management as a tool that if bases on analyses and previous experiences to elaborate methods of as to manage, applying them in the organization by means of its necessity and adaptando them it its culture and processes.
Tags: administration and businesses
Posted by laurapayne on Feb 7, 2014 in
He is something come of centuries and, in some cases, until millenia, arriving at the current corporative form. We can study the Japanese. Celebrities for the philosophy of search of the interior peace – used since always in Japan – the Japaneses do not import if a decision to delay until years to be placed in practical. But he has an advantage in this: Everything what is determined is accepted per 100% of the people who compose an executive committee. The winning idea does not have a dispute of grupinhos to decide which, and yes the search, to the scratch, of peace between all the members, what it becomes the much more consistent champion idea. The Anglo-Saxons of America initially had been colonized with an English methodology, faster of what the oriental, however with a bigger number of internal conflicts. But the Americans had given form to a proper methodology, with fast and certeiras decisions, but many times with quarrels fortssimas and climate not very good.
To put if became the culture spread out in the inhabitants of the country, strengthening this idea. Part of the Europe was to perhaps in history. A better climate of what of the Americans, but in some cases an uncommon lerdeza for the taking of decisions. It does not include in this analyzes the English and the Germans being a little faster in the decisions, of where the fact of that we see a number bigger of companies of England and of Germany elapses that has world-wide prominence. The first thing that a method of problem solution must giving in them is a definite sequence of steps to be followed in the search of solutions. This can include: the definition of the problem, the collection and analysis of information, identification of the causes of the problem, the generation of solutions, the evaluation of the solutions, the election of a solution and its implementation.
Tags: administration and businesses