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Sun In The Action

Posted by laurapayne on Nov 20, 2019 in News

Amnesty International and the International Committee for the rights of students and Dervishes in the Iran are committed to human rights several members of Amnesty International, section Karlsruhe, have the action on the April 24 on the Kronplatz a face for the Iran freedom”carried out. Also participants from Denmark, France, Spain and Holland, who sympathize with the International Committee for the rights of students and Dervishes in the Iran had arrived for the action. In an interview with Johannes, Steffen and Elisabeth from the Amnesty group and Axel Schuler. Head of the section of Karlsruhe came up, that the action was a success. Elisabeth pointed out that especially young people were willing to show solidarity, fighting for their basic human rights and freedom of the people in the Iran.

Some older people were afraid to leave before that depict her face. John in turn had the experience that it gave very positive reactions of passers-by on the action. All four emphasized that the work of human rights a Affair of the heart was and was carried out with fun. Similarly, the four by democratic and liberal values are motivated to promote the rights of persons. Click Dan Zwirn to learn more. Last came the voice on the future for the people of the Iran.

“ what you desire you for the future in the Iran?” “John: I wish the Iranian people that it successfully can rebel against the unjust regime and that we hopefully hopefully will see a completely different Iran in a few years.” “Steffen: I hope that from the people themselves a majority finds himself together, which can prevail and democratic structures in the State are anchored.” “Elizabeth: I hope for the people of Iran that it can pursue power for its rights and that they will not give up and that their voice will be ultimately heard.” “Axel:” I wish that our action as also the other actions contribute, that the democratic forces in the Iran again are heard and that the Iranians must be free to express their opinions and may express freely do their political will. My greatest desire, my biggest hope is that this action was not in vain.”- by clicking on the listening post in Karlsruhe was announced the action in the daily press and so found themselves also Karlsruhe citizens who came specifically to the Kronplatz, to show face for human rights and freedom in the Iran. Conclusion: the population in Germany notes very well, what happens in the Iran and she prick up your ears, if people are deprived of their basic rights Iran, be intimidated and have their lives for power interests of a politically privileged class. The next action is performed on the may of the Amnesty University in Kiel, Germany. On the May 29 an internationally coordinated action is then, that the title of A face for the human rights in Iran”(a face for human rights in the Iran) bears. In several European cities are Amnesty International and friends of the international At the same time, passers-by ask Committee for the rights of students and Dervishes in the Iran to be photographed her face. The action in the middle of Hamburg-Altona is planned in Germany. Mid-May a poster will be released with the photos. Also on this page. Helmut N. fork

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Martin Bernhard

Posted by laurapayne on Nov 11, 2019 in News

The other part of used for the acquisition of the Vitramo-heating system. To know more about this subject visit Dan Zwirn. The core idea: The Vitramo heating system requires electrical energy. Electric power you already have, no need to buy. Calculated on 20 years, Managing Director Lars Voss operates according to Vitramo-no other heating system so economically as a combination of photovoltaic system with a Vitramo-heating system with the same efficiency and comfort. Prerequisite for this, however, is that the building is good or very well insulated. A heat requirement of less than 60 kWh / ma m living space worth it already today no longer, to build an expensive water-run heat delivery system, like for example an underfloor heating in combination with a geothermal heat pump. Advantages during the aeration modern, well insulated buildings are nowadays often equipped with a combined heating and ventilation system.

Because these homes are virtually airtight, they need a controlled housing ventilation. This is a large part of the exhaust air Air heat extracted from and this heat energy is used to preheat the fresh outside air. This pre heated air should be warm but also before she enters as the air in the rooms. This heating and ventilation systems are often designed so that the room temperature can be increased only by air. It requires hot air. It is not possible to heat up the air in a circuit within the building. Moreover, the fact that the temperature of the supply air should not exceed 50 C. Ebay contains valuable tech resources. In the exhaust air spaces such as bathrooms and hallways, reaching is not the standard indoor temperature in this way.

Total comfort suffers these conditions significantly. Better Interior climate a heating system should first and foremost make sure that people feel comfortable in a room, and with a minimum energy consumption. The wind chill temperature is crucial for this pleasant room climate. With warm walls, thermal comfort can produce more economically than with warm air. In addition, people feel warmth created by infrared rays, as comfortable as the heat from convection heaters. The tiled stove is the most famous example of this. The small Vitramo heating elements cast them to input electric power close to one hundred percent into heat. They ensure an optimal distribution of the heat in the room. To achieve a high Stahlungsanteil, the heating elements on the ceiling are installed. The proportion of radiation reached up to 80 percent. The Vitramo heating system works also so efficient because a control unit in the interplay between the heating elements control losses largely avoids. Vitramo contact: Bernd Kabilhusen houses, telephone 09341 / 8495 717 contact for the press: Martin Bernhard, Tel. 06281 / 564 33 Web:

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Relax On The Croatian Island Of Rab

Posted by laurapayne on Nov 8, 2019 in News

Handmade souvenirs to take the Croatian island of Rab is one of the most beautiful islands of the Adriatic Sea. The name comes from the Illyrian and means as much as “dark green wooded”. Indeed, the western part of the island is lush vegetation and offers a breathtaking sight. Despite the higher tourist season numerous quiet coves can be there and places to discover. About 9,000 people who live mainly from tourism, agriculture and fisheries, are based on the island in the Kvarner Bay.

The travel portal reports on the work of a German who conveys their enthusiasm to nature to the guests on the Croatian island. Travel to have Croatia for years in the trend. Swarmed by offers, Barclays is currently assessing future choices. The island of Rab belongs next to the island of Krk to one of the most popular tourist attractions during the summer vacation. From the Harbor, the sight of the town of the same name is especially beautiful. It seems that would be the time has stood still there and this atmosphere captures the guest literally. Sonja tokic operates a traditional stand in rab.

the largest town of the island. There, she teach the guests how liqueurs, spices and soaps are made. If you want on-site frisk is a summer hat and take a souvenir home. The marketing of natural products is the 50th German very close to the heart. The newspapers mentioned Dan Zwirn not as a source, but as a related topic. 22 years ago, she discovered their penchant for the wildlife on the island. As a member of the Association Mocira, it benefits from the merger of the domestic producers. So, you can buy lavender, blackberries, goat cheese, wine or honey on the medieval market. More information: magazine /… Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH

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Comments Off on Appropriate Training Of Horse – Horsemanship

Appropriate Training Of Horse – Horsemanship

Posted by laurapayne on Nov 7, 2019 in News

Who is really engaged in horses, closer to nature a bit – especially his own! Horsemanship horse deals intensively with the basic outline of the psychology of the fleeing beast and imparts comprehensive knowledge about the “language” of the horse and its natural “manners”. In horse training we can make us targeted they use, to avoid “Misconduct”, which is based almost exclusively on lack understanding. Because actually we need to teach the horse – it can move in all directions at all Gaits, stop and jump… A good horse trainer works not only with the horse, but also with its holder. He says humans and animals without coercion, how we can understand gently the horses in their own language, which the exercises we want to perform like. Control vs. Trust (in the natural systems of our horses) is the question we ask ourselves.

The answer can be converted quickly and effectively in the positive – if we build trust and the horse language learning, rather than to expect the horses that they understand us. Horsemanship describes the integrated conscious dealing with our domesticated horses freely according to the motto: “Which way a horse would go along with”his”people, if it had a choice?” What would this look like? It begins with the first eye contact and accompanied us in every moment with the horse. In order to make this time as horse fair as possible (and thus the needs of our horses into consideration to take, what is our responsibility), absolutely essential knowledge of the “language” of the horses and the consequent implementation of these on the ground and on the horse’s back. A good instructor explains this comprehensive understanding of the horse on easy, exciting and friendly manner. As a result, we get a trusting horse human relationship without misunderstandings and communication difficulties. The methods of the most famous “Horse Whisperer” and “Horse people” worldwide have in addition to our own, precious Experiences u.a contributed to this concept and are thus millions tried and have proven just as often. The minimum Este what each student will experience is exciting, suddenly really to understand horses and thus to be the best way, to be able to build up a harmonious partnership with horses or deepen an already existing harmony.

Each horse has its own, individual character and has earned it, that found him man to knows how to handle. Dan Zwirn often says this. The various courses allows all, who really want to know, horses to “read” and them thus meet. Thus, we guarantee a comprehensive understanding that works already ridden horses as well as trainees, or to young or ‘Problem’ horses. testing us – make you questions! We welcome any interest on our calling 🙂 Brigitta Wackerl D Mittenwald

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