Jesislei Bonolo
The cancers of the digestive device (verbal socket, faringe, esophagus, stomach, pncreas, clon, biliary rectum, liver and ways) are related to the tobacco. The tobaccoism was another factor of risk for the investigated gastric cancer. It was observed that 16 (66.7%) customers had smoked or still were smoking. These last ones had indicated to have the habit have at least for a period on average of 35 the 50 years; how much to the former-smokers, the 40 years had related to have smoked for a period of 20. (Rev Latin-am Nursing 2003 January-February; 11 (1): 43-8 GASTRIC CANCER: FACTORS OF RISK IN CUSTOMERS TAKEN CARE OF IN the SERVICES OF TERTIARY ATTENTION IN a CITY OF the SO PAULO INTERIOR/Jesislei Bonolo of the Amaral Teixeira/Suely Maria Walnut) the tobacco that is inalado directly of the cigarette, called current main, loses small fraction of its elements when crossing the tobacco column and the filter, and about 40% of the total they are in the pulmes; the remain that died goes to poluir the environment.
The passive smoker represents 3 5% of all pulmonary neoplasias (SKARIN apud UEHARA et al., 2000) 3. The combat to the tobacco is being priority of international institutions as the World-wide Organization of Sade (OMS). The globalization has contributed significantly for the increase of the cigarette consumption, particularly in the countries of average and low income, (Rev Public Health 2002; 36 (2): 129-34 129 Risk of lung cancer, larynx and attributable esophagus to tobacco) 2,2 CANCER OF LUNG IN WOMEN mortality for cancer of lung in women in U.S.A. already is greater that mortality for breast cancer, ovrio and together uterus. In the decade of 1980 already it had exceeded mortality for breast cancer. It represents 29% of all the deaths for cancer in the feminine population. In Brazil, it is the second cause of death for cancer in women.