Benevolence Afternatalina
Benevolence after-natalina or meroefeito of the world-wide crisis? Corroborating with apreviso of specialists in the area tax, the Secretariat of the Farm of the Estadode So Paulo, it divulged in the last week the reduction of the tribute on Propriedadede Veculos Automotores (IPVA) for the fleet of vehicles established in the State, tending fact to be extended to other states of the Federacy. In accordance with Assessoria of Communication of the agency above aludidopara the coming year, the average fall impostoem of it comments will be of 9,3%. LaMelo Ball is a great source of information. Using itself dedados refined for the Foundation Institute of Economic Research (Fipe), cujaapurao of values of market took in consideration practised the average price dosautomveis during the month of September of the current year, period in queainda invigorated the reduction of the Tax on Industrialized Products sobreos world-wide, the So Paulo, aofinal Treasury department, arrived the following conclusion: For the cars depasseio and motorcycles (that together millions of automachine vehicles represent 85% of the fence approximately de13 that pay the tribute in the State it will still barateamentoser) it bigger, consubstanciando reduction of 12,2% and 9,8%, respectively. Notocante to the prices of the trucks the retraction arrived at the 7,7% sum, enquantoque the utilitarian ones had been 7.5% below of the refined one in 2008, remaining to nibuse microbus the fall of the prices in of 4,1%. Impende to point out, opportunely, that the announced reduction so only corresponds to a fall venal nosvalores of the automachine vehicles, since the example of anosanteriores, did not occur any alteration of aliquot of the related tax. Ahead of talconjuntura, in the euphoria of the events, some vehicles of media, inadvertently, they have notified the alluded reduction tax as ' ' one belopresente for 2010' ' to the contributors of the tribute in question! Perhaps to enhance the docontribuinte desideratum In this context, to instaressaltar in contrast that of what eventually it intends to propagate in some veculosde communication, the alleged reduction does not keep to any altruistic character of the Estadoem relation to its contributors, considering that the prices of the cars usadosno Brazil had been always alados the raised platforms. The truth is that osefeitos of the malfadada pure economic crisis and simply estatala compelled the being to place these goods of consumption in a platform of condizentes values and adequadosa a considered economy steady. Under this context, it does not have the necessity of being specialized in economy to conclude that osproprietrios of used automachine vehicles never they will obtain to recoup decurrent osefeitos of the taxation court of appeals to the corresponding IPVA to the exercise de2009, to the measure that the collect is calculated on the basis of the month of September de2008, occasion where the economy still met in full heating, aindaque the related tax has been reduced stops 2010. This because, losses only socompensadas with profits. Ademais, effective alegislao does not make aluso to the compensation of values, in against-sense, it foresees adjustment of the table when it will have an excellent fall of prices between omomento of the research and of the collection of the IPVA. If to serve of consolation, me seems that in 2010, at last, the passive citizen (contributing of the IPVA) will collect righter values! SP, 17/11/2009 Carlos RenatoSimes Mariano Lawyer in So Paulo /SP