Chair Perception
Structure has to do with the organizational structure determines the relationships within the company, the liability of the company to employees and vice versa, employee benefits and rewards, the challenge proposed job, standards to which you want to reach (for training, etc.) what kind of conflicts are generated and how to manage and the identity of the company; how it is built and how it is perceived by the employees.According to the Real Academia Espanola, perception It is the inner sensation resulting from a material impression made on our senses, so that each of the above-mentioned aspects are internalized and perceived by employees differently than what the company expected. Notes us, that Alexis Goncalvez, Member honorary of the Latin American society for quality (SLC) and Vice President for Latin America of management of the quality of Citibank, is one of the main references in this regard, and asserts that the concept of perception is key to understand the importance of climate Organizacional.La the mass production revolution opened a cultural way, which allowed workers access their salary to that same product that they had finished and the system economic retroalimentaba thanks in part to this double participation of the worker in the market.Then the worker was one piece more in a line of production and consumption. Today is an individual producer of value added for the company and generates social capital in society. It is then the measurement of organizational climate, the tool indicated to analyze what is the perception of the employee in surrounding the company and its performance in the market. Measurement of the labour climate, (almost always through direct surveys) is the medium that allows you to work towards an optimal organizational climate. Since then, this criterion, we share more as teachers of the Chair of organizational behavior, that the gerenencia should pay close attention to its human resources, provide them with all the knowledge, necessary contributions that allow them to identify with their work, their functions, pay attention to their weaknesses, support them, define him well its functions, satisfying needs of achievement in order to give way to a favourable working climate.