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Citing Aguiar

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 30, 2016 in News

In the diverse dictionaries of the Portuguese language, motivation assumes, resumidamente, the meaning to move for action, that is, he is something that stimulates the individual to search something. The motivation is intrinsic, that is, it moves itself of the interior of each individual, fits to each one to assume its role. Each human being is moved by an objective to reach. For some, the motivation biggest can be the accomplishment of its physiological necessities, relationship, accomplishment, being able, as we will see in the different theories that try to clarify the motivation. Citing Aguiar: The motivation is resultant of internal pulses, desires, individual necessities that each people as to be only search to materialize. The external way, the organizations are not origin of the motivation. The organization, while social environment, will be able to facilitate or to bar the accomplishment of the desires and the satisfaction of the necessities.

(AGUIAR. 1997, P. 270) Thus, fits to the professional of human resources to be intent to these questions and to develop works that despertem in the collaborators the belonging feeling, influencing, it enters, others, in the productivity and the interpersonal relations. Many organizations already demonstrate a correct vision of the human being in the professional environment, being worried, mainly in taking care of of the interpersonal relations intra and. Ahead of the displayed one, a new demand appears: the man has that to learn to be cooperative, to contribute with its pairs and, therefore, to work in team. In this context, professional of human resources acquires force and recognition to alavancar the processes of improvement of the human capital, exactly those that possess a profile strict technician, as it is the case of the public organizations.


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Regional Advice

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 30, 2016 in News

The decree N 50,387, of 28 of March of 1961, that it regulates the Law n 2604/1955, of the professional exercise of the nursing, makes use: Art.14, interpolated proposition C ' ' they are duties of all the nursing staff: to keep perfect notation in papeletas clinical of everything how much to become related with the patient and the nursing. Meanwhile, the decree n. 94.406, of 08 of June of 1987, that it regulates the Law n. 7.498, of 25 of June of 1986, that it makes use on the nursing exercise, in its art.11, interpolated proposition II, detach that: ' ' the nurse aid must execute the activities auxiliary of average level attributed to the nursing team, fitting to it to observe, 8 to recognize and to describe the signals and symptoms that the patient presents, to the level of its qualificaes' '. Art.14, interpolated proposition II, tell to the incumbency all the staff of nursing of the necessity to write down in the handbook of the patient all the activities of nursing assistance. Legal aspects of the Notations Know that the register of the relative information to the patient is a legal obligation is defined and normatizada for the Regional Advice of Enfermagem (COREN), and in such a way constitutes a form of protection and guarantee for the customer as for the hospital company. Each registered information indicates an action, that certainly was unchained in direct reason of a problem presented for the patient and of the treatment excused it (DUARTE 1976). According to Possari (2005, p.138) ' ' the nursing notation is to have of all the professionals of the nursing team, as the legal disposals for the exercise of enfermagem' '. These notations say in agreement respect this author: sociocultural and psicofsicos, well-taken care of data of the identification of the patient, aspects given, results of the systemize comment, without exageros and omissions how much to the evolution of the illness, as well as any occured intercorrncias with the patient.


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Dresdner Emissionshaus

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 27, 2016 in News

Future business KG A is looking for new employees at branches in Germany and abroad Dresden February 2013: the Dresdner Emissionshaus future business KG A continues its own growth further. In addition to a personnel expansion of the master seat in Dresden, the FuBus also looks staff for their new offices in Vancouver/Canada and Zurich/Switzerland. The future business KG A acts not only nationwide, but also internationally. Among other things, the issuing House seeks currently dedicated, service-oriented staff to strengthen the Dresden team. The modern company offers employees a varied range of tasks and opportunities to the career advancement and personal development. The future business kg AA young professionals as well as people who want to change career, can apply. In Dresden is currently in the Department of real estate (real estate clerk /-man, foreign language correspondent /-in, administrator of the real estate and housing finance), the Legal Department (Paralegal/r) and with the assistance of the Board of Directors (Management Assistant /-in, foreign language correspondent /-in, reception Secretary) favourites. Further information about the career opportunities at the FuBus can be viewed at.

Future business KG A offers attractive promotions and earning opportunities that excellent future business KG A with the TOP rating of the Hoppenstedt kreditinformationen GmbH belongs to the 4.8 credit-most companies of in Germany and is expanding internationally. For their new offices in Vancouver and Zurich will be to the assistance of the Executive Committee a / foreign language correspondent /-in and a / Management Assistant /-in wanted. The post of database administrator and insurance administrator are vacant in the Finance Department. Prospects for everything worth knowing about the job requirements and the appropriate contact information to submit the application documents, see About future business KG A (FuBus) The future business KG A (FuBus) was founded on February 23, 2000 in Dresden.

The underwriter is the focus of a broad-based Group of companies. The future business KG acquires A (FuBus) participations, she cares about the purchase and recovery of pension and life insurance products and acquires selected real estate in prime locations.

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Comments Off on Managing Director

Managing Director

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 26, 2016 in News

This concept allows a better participation in rising markets when compared to a pure 50:50-allocation and reduces at the same time extreme fluctuations in negative market phases such as 2002 and 2008. The WALSER portfolio global strategy select stands for a dynamic investment strategy in terms of the determination of the degree of risk and the investment selection. The market phase, risk levels and trends among other things using the volatility are defined and adapted to the structure of the Fund depending on the identified market phase. The strategy’s objective is outperformance compared to a pure 50:50 allocation of global stocks and bonds to achieve and thus to take advantage of opportunities while risk limiting. Since the rest of the Fund on December 1, 2009, a performance by 12.24 percent with a volatility using daily calculation technique of 6.48 percent arises (stand: 10.02.2011). The actively-managed bond funds WALSER portfolio capital dollars invested mostly in shorter bonds the dollar area. While it uses also the opportunities various dollar currencies being dominated by the US dollar in the currency allocation. Focus is at the same time with a share of more than 80 percent on bonds with good credit ratings (rating of A or better).

The Fund was already on 12 September 2002 and expelling a Morningstar Rating of four stars for years. More information: Walser private bank invest S.A. Stephan M. Modler, Managing Director 8, rue Lou-Hemmer L – 1748 Findel-Golf-phone: + 43 (55 17) 202-2 16 Walser private bank invest S.A. Dr. Carsten Kotas, Managing Director 8, rue Lou-Hemmer L – 1748 Findel-Golf-phone: + 43 (55 17) 202-2 82 the Walser PrivatBank offers over 30 years tailor-made private banking of European top-class. The award-winning Bank specialises in high net worth individuals and entrepreneurs from the German-speaking world.

The Fox report 2011 “the Walser named private bank to the best asset manager in Austria. In the list”, it is under all tested adults and private banks in German-speaking Europe sixth. Product and fund concepts of Walser PrivatBank find regular recognition by international rating agencies. So was the mixed fund managed by WALSER German Select portfolio for its extraordinary performance by the business magazine uro recently with a fund 2011 Award for the fourth time in a row. The WALSER of the Bank funds are by its Luxembourg investment company, which manages private bank invest S.A., Walser. This press release is to be regarded as an offer nor an invitation to the offer. The tax treatment of individual customers is dependent on their personal circumstances and may be subject to future changes. Information about the performance refers to a past performance. This can not be on the future development of the value.

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Comments Off on Telematics Award 2010:

Telematics Award 2010:

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 25, 2016 in News

At the end of the tender to the TELEMATIK award 2010 do not miss Hamburg/18.05.2010. The first ceremony of the Telematics Awards 2010 is one of the most important event in this industry. Lower Saxony Economics Minister Jorg Bode, who has taken over the patronage of this event, underlines the importance that he pays to this relatively young industry in his greeting in his greeting: The Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA), in the person of the Managing Director Klaus Braunig, who will perform the awards of the outstanding companies the leading trade journal in the telematics industry of in Germany together with the Minister for Economic Affairs and the Organizer telematics market, left no doubt in his press statement that this technology will determine the competitiveness and the long-term success of the German automotive industry. Read full press release: is the Chief Editor of the telematics market, K. Katharina Klischewsky, Yet one step further: the telematics conquered far more economic and life sectors, than we can imagine today. Automotive takes over the leading role here. Other interesting telematics systems that were developed for other sectors of the economy and you excellent support to our personal lives, have been and are in our country by qualified software developers developed, tested or are already on the market.

As a leading trade journal of the telematics industry I see in our major task to inform fully about the many applications and products in the industry and to provide more orientation to the users. This is the aim of also the award of of TELEMATIK ceremony, which is held for reasons of strengthening our innovation site, exclusively for companies in the German-speaking. I am very glad that we experience the assistance of Economics Minister bode and VDA in our efforts and I urge all companies to participate in this invitation to tender.” Telematics leading journal of the telematics industry MKK market communication is editor of telematics Telematics is a cross-cutting technology that link the areas of navigation, positioning and communication and computer science. It includes all applications based on wireless transmission of information of every kind and its subsequent processing. The journal telematics aims for this technology and research an all-encompassing market and information space”between manufacturers and users to create, move closer to the attention of the public to the young and innovative telematics industry. Telematics binds nationwide expert journalists and marketing professionals who constantly communicate with the companies, institutions, universities, associations of the telematics industry. You bundles the interests and ideas from research & Development, business, communities of interest, as well as of suppliers, producers and users and brings together all stakeholders on the public stage”.

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Comments Off on The Path

The Path

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 23, 2016 in News

Similarly, if you think that people they will reject your idea, your project, your service or whatever that you propose, then you proyectaras that thought toward each other and to your subconscious mind, it will be a reality. It begins with these affirmations for success and you can achieve projecting thoughts and positive feelings. 1. I am always improving in all aspects 2. I have a strong and magnetic personality 3. I have total control over my same 4. I am cheerful and happy 5.

I am here to enjoy life to the max 6. I have great mental, physical and moral force 7. I have strong willpower 8. I am full of vitality, creativity and quiet 9. I equals success with my daily actions 10.

I soon effected my dreams now imagine yourself achieving the success. Imagine that you get a positive result and notes as your emotions change instantly. How dress?, with casual wear, or a little more formal. Who is with you? You’re with people most want in life, maybe you did a party to celebrate your success to what smell? It smells like a delicious banquet? How do you feel? Which are your feelings now that get accomplished to achieve your dreams, feel very good right? What we are doing is that you can feel as if you’d already traveled the path to your success, a road that will have many obstacles but that the reward of traverse it really is worthwhile. You yourself have just check with your display. Of course there will be failures and obstacles but you must not surrender never because only fails those who stop trying. I encourage that you dare to see you as a successful entrepreneur. Between you and all your goals, there are a number of obstacles, and while the goal bigger, bigger will be obstacles. Your decision to be, have and do something beyond the ordinary entails facing difficulties and challenges that are also in the field of ordinary non.

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Comments Off on Nutrition Science

Nutrition Science

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 22, 2016 in News

While the football World Cup in full swing, the Hanoverian hygiene specialist can kink n clean celebrate a title already. With the profit of the IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland 2010 in the cluster (category) food business, convinced kink n clean for the fourth consecutive year a panel of experts from business, politics and society, and entrepreneurship and innovation degree prevailed in the assessment criteria. Technological progress, useful and accessible tipped the scales for everyone, to give the prize to the inventor of a leash 7500,-euros. Since the company was founded in the year 2006, this internationally renowned award, already the fourth, is the knick n clean in a row has received. 2007 won kink n clean the 1st National Organic founder competition, 2008 which was followed by the plus X Award for innovation. In the last year could kink n clean the industry award 2009 in the category of biotechnology to post.

In the 17th century. June 2010 took company founder Dipl.-ing. Helrik Bobke at a solemn ceremony in Gera now the IQ innovation award 2010 opposed. Until to 11.4 million number, the amount to be assigned to rule on a toilet germs on a single square centimeters, what times of incredible 100,000, have been detected in the fridge! These cause a rapid destruction of the food, odors and even diseases. Regular wiping out helps here only for a short time and on is limited to the areas.

Simply using buckling activated and placed in the refrigerator, removed the kink n clean wands within only three days from all germs, spores and bacteria, without affecting this desired yogurt cultures or noble rot. So even older refrigerators in the nu have been changed every 30 days, permanently anti-mould treated, seed – and odor-free. Durability of food and fresh are the consequences. This amazing effect proven by the University of Hanover, is with the same active ingredient, as in the German drinking water treatment achieved. Also has knick n clean now further, working according to this principle, products for refrigerators, water filters, drinking water tanks and even cut flowers on! For more information see and../ cluster-ernaehrungswirtschaft.


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Posted by laurapayne on Sep 22, 2016 in News

A successful future Fernando Alexis Jimenez born builds from today with all the conditions to be a loser: separate and single mother, living in a marginal area of Mexico, facing all sorts of needs, without possibilities of receiving academic training, surrounded by thugs with motor disabilities. But Antonio Iguaran Santamaria was not prepared to be overcome. As soon as obstacles stood, more emphasis given its purpose of overcoming. Even a Sunday, at the a el caer fall afternoon and when they had no more than coffee and a taco bean as sole food of the day, to receive the discouraging message ever you can get up; resign yourself to what we live, his mother, set the goal of getting ahead. I will not overcome by difficulties, was repeated every time that it faced difficult situations.

When he was thirteen, he began to study their primary education; Despite its difficulties walking, and selling sweets to the output of the theatres, financed his high school and subsequently, was received as a professional. Tenacity, conviction, faith in a God of power that opens doors that no one closes. Today it has a law firm in charge. Lives in a privileged area of Mexico and agrees on a fact: success builds from today. With God’s help, there are no limits and nothing is absolutely impossible plan life for the success plan life?. The question made her a young woman in the middle of a lecture I gave on how to build from today tomorrow, with God’s help.

It goes without saying that the Auditorium was crowded. Without doubt, the topic aroused interest. And this boy was not the exception, hence your question. The emphatic answer: Yes, life should be planned. What happens in the future, depends on a high percentage of the decisions we take today. It is a process.

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Comments Off on Central Department

Central Department

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 18, 2016 in News

The cascading leads to increase the quality of the strategic management in all scheduled units towed to the stage of cascading means not only the introduction to the practice of regular units of the company and thus getting the benefits of the common understanding of the strategy and monitoring, which is implemented in some places. The cascading leads to an increase of the quality of strategic management in all regular units towed to because the objectives and the strategic events from the parent departments in the BSC of the below scheduled units can be consistently passed, which is a vertical integration of targets. This increases the likelihood that the strategic goals of the whole enterprise or of major business divisions will be achieved. The objectives and the strategic events for the subdivisions of a level of the hierarchy can be better arranged thanks to the BSC as a means of communication, It is a horizontal integration of the objectives. In the Bank, which serves individual customers and the companies, it was particularly important consistently align the BSC of the internal Service Department of IT on the BSC of the same hierarchical subdivisions of individual customers and companies.

In cascading, there are many variations of the vertical and horizontal agreement of objectives and the strategic events. The cascading was first performed for many Central functional divisions of the companies. The starting point for such work was the balanced scorecard (on the BSC by companies). The strategic conception of the planned unit served as an important basis. The strategies of other functional subdivisions can ask to the strategy of the structural outline and it is also necessary to consider this aspect. The strategic concept and the requirements of other systems of BSC serve as the basis for the compilation of the balanced scorecard of this or that functional outline Society. The later presented algorithm is considered as an example of the Central Department of logistics.

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Comments Off on GWS Successful Start In The Year 2011

GWS Successful Start In The Year 2011

Posted by laurapayne on Sep 16, 2016 in News

Over half a dozen new customers already beginning of 2011 head start for the GWS Gesellschaft fur merchandise management systems mbH from Munster. Since the beginning of the year more than half a dozen companies in the fields of building hardware decided plumbing, painter’s supplies, building materials as well as Raiffeisen gevis for the fully integrated ERP solution. Also several changes and process improvements were completed successfully. The international customer success underline the importance of the company as well as its software gevis for wholesale business. Hardly a purchasing cooperation or trade organization that draws not GWS considering optimization of inventory management, accounting, logistics and E-business. New in the customer base of the GWS is the Franz Herbrugger KG, with 160 employees, one of the largest family-run building materials wholesale and retailers in Westphalia. The Mendener EURO building materials and WestfalenBaustoff Member will introduce companywide gevis the ERP system by 2012.

The Franz Herbrugger KG, in three Home improvement stores, three acts of building material and a ready-mixed concrete plant according to your own presentation for house building and renovation offers everything, expects a marked acceleration of administrative and operational procedures. Another new customer company of the GWS is Neuberg S.A. of Luxembourg. Technical wholesaler has 80 employees well, the even in the adjacent French and Belgium as well as in the German market in the fields of sanitation and heating, tools, pipes, engineering, steel, machinery and occupational safety Act, will replace and replace with Aileen SANGROSS. As a member of the society for plumbing & heating trade demand mbH & co.

KG (GSH) benefits Neuberg S.A. by Aileen not only from the central master data supply by the Association of GSH, but also by country-specific texts on supply and purchasing documents. Because the corresponding translations are stored, the expression is fully automatic.

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