Nutrition Science
While the football World Cup in full swing, the Hanoverian hygiene specialist can kink n clean celebrate a title already. With the profit of the IQ Innovationspreis Mitteldeutschland 2010 in the cluster (category) food business, convinced kink n clean for the fourth consecutive year a panel of experts from business, politics and society, and entrepreneurship and innovation degree prevailed in the assessment criteria. Technological progress, useful and accessible tipped the scales for everyone, to give the prize to the inventor of a leash 7500,-euros. Since the company was founded in the year 2006, this internationally renowned award, already the fourth, is the knick n clean in a row has received. 2007 won kink n clean the 1st National Organic founder competition, 2008 which was followed by the plus X Award for innovation. In the last year could kink n clean the industry award 2009 in the category of biotechnology to post.
In the 17th century. June 2010 took company founder Dipl.-ing. Helrik Bobke at a solemn ceremony in Gera now the IQ innovation award 2010 opposed. Until to 11.4 million number, the amount to be assigned to rule on a toilet germs on a single square centimeters, what times of incredible 100,000, have been detected in the fridge! These cause a rapid destruction of the food, odors and even diseases. Regular wiping out helps here only for a short time and on is limited to the areas.
Simply using buckling activated and placed in the refrigerator, removed the kink n clean wands within only three days from all germs, spores and bacteria, without affecting this desired yogurt cultures or noble rot. So even older refrigerators in the nu have been changed every 30 days, permanently anti-mould treated, seed – and odor-free. Durability of food and fresh are the consequences. This amazing effect proven by the University of Hanover, is with the same active ingredient, as in the German drinking water treatment achieved. Also has knick n clean now further, working according to this principle, products for refrigerators, water filters, drinking water tanks and even cut flowers on! For more information see and../ cluster-ernaehrungswirtschaft.