Said this, the motors search enchant the content to them, like excellent articles. Many salesmen in Internet prove the last fashion to deceive the motors search in securing a better ranking. If you have a pile of time and/or money in his hands to always stay to the day with the last tendencies and the money changers rules of the CATHEDRAL she can try to do it. Nevertheless, tactics that continue being valid with the majority of the motors search, are the article publication. 5. All we want to be and to feel informed well us. It helps us to make better decisions. The articles can serve like a valuable spring so we are looking for.
Then Who is going to be in better disposition to make sales, that the person who served the information in her articles? 6. The articles can be reused in a variety of ways. For example: a) The content of its bulletin of the news or their official notices can be prepared. b) It is possible free to be used like gifts to the prospectuses and clients, in seminaries, events, tutorial etc c) Its content can be used for postear commentaries of value in blogs, social forums of discussion, networks. d) It is possible to be combined several articles to write an electronic book or info-product that can be sold or be given, in exchange for contact information. e) To become the base of a live or teleseminario seminary. And we can follow and continue enumerating advantages.
7. The articles when they are distributed suitably, are a good way to stay in contact with the present and potential clients. The studies have demonstrated that in average, before a prospectus buys, you have maintained with him seven contacts. Why not to use articles for these necessities? This will help continuously to improve the perception, that is going to have of you, like that always contributes to an added value. We live at a time where the information and the content are fundamental. All we are expert in something, that others would be interested in knowing. It shares its knowledge by means of writing and to publish articles and this will become a magnet that will attract prospectuses and clients towards you.