The Man Is The Evolution

Posted by laurapayne on Dec 16, 2014 in News |

She is not necessary to be a great genius to understand that we are entering in a time of conflicts of principles. Century XXI came to bring new ideas, to break taboos, preconceptions and to give to a new face the society, but it has people that they prefer the old habits human and are against changes. The evolution is one dom natural of the life human being who is in it constantly. Such great one of the great ideas that led the man to an age of evolution continues wild was the creation of the media in the oldest times, that to the few the humanity gave to open its mind and more liberal being. One of these vehicles more constant than gave to the man total contemporary liberty of speech was to the creation of the Internet. But still the conservatives exist who are against the freedom and oppress with ideals that veem if become obsolete with the time, and valley to cite, what yes it is oppression, the religions, that had obtained to adapt themselves to the time, however defending the same principles.

With the time, it is of if waiting that for obvious the man if they despreguem of beliefs and they only come to be one capitulate in history, therefore science comes contradicting the teses defended for the great religions and the people are starting to see the quo this are ridicule. is there that it is the shock, some ideas of the faith already are one in such a way absurd and some atheists attack to it them with emphasis and in direct way they are understood in the same way. The truth prevails, the one context ' ' deus' ' it is being to the few silenced, and science in defense of the man comes showing its truths, in no age science was never so free and even arrives for to be bigger that the religions that for hundreds of years came mantando the scientists and giving the idea of that they are following sorcerers or of the enemies of the said gods. This is the moment of the perception, the society is free to think, and the religions, exactly still strong do not have to be able to blind to the world giving position all to think and to follow what they believe, therefore, the old millenarian form of control the society, god in general way, goes to become fluid itself and ideal of the reality begins will be it.


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