The Relevance Of The Mysterious Buyer In Marketing

Posted by laurapayne on May 23, 2013 in News |

Carlos Mora Vanegas schools of management, especially those identified fully with the specialty of markets, as they would be postgraduates in this specialty, be in the granting of specialists or masters, cannot ignore the scope, implications that the mysterious buyer tool generates. The specialty program of postgraduate course of the speciality of management of quality and productivity, of Faces, of the Universidad de Carabobo, Valencia, Venezuela, since much emphasis on what represents mysterious client (Mistery Shopper). Provides all the knowledge that involves this tool and teaches its participants through the Chair of modern marketing as play as a mysterious buyer is well known, that the mystery buyers are paid by the task of visiting restaurants or other businesses as clients, then provide feedback that looks, sounds and is experienced. Our customers use feedback to help improve customer service. The mysterious buyer is a technique of observation during which various default aspects of a point of sale are observed and recorded by means of unexpected visits. Aspects as the general image expressed by the point of sale, the level of service and friendliness to the customer, for part of the commercial advisers and the way in which your product is being promoted and sold is known, that mysterious client service encompasses key aspects in the cycle of service experienced by customer and critical points in the management of its points of sale, such as customer service mood of sale, image of the establishment, the control of the collection, campaigns and special promotions, as well as a wide range of requirements demanded by clients according to their personal characteristics. The mysterious client facilitates who hires it, market research information that you previously defined in conjunction with the client, in order to be able to transmit later where generated deviations in terms of what has to be considered a correct service us brings the next question on the subject why use a mysterious buyer? The information gathered during these visits not only is analyzed in various ways, but it can also be used within your organization. .


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