Many enterprises, mainly txteis, if had become reality, (Pipe, 1977, PP.72-73). Suzigan (1986), evidenced that during the Economic depression great plants and industries of diverse segments had been established. The expansionista monetary politics and the adopted institucional reforms, although the abuses in the market of values, had resulted positive in terms of industrial investment. In the Economic depression, according to Tannuri (1981), it did not have only game and speculation. This period if also characterized for an internal real accumulation. 5.2.3. Opponent of the arbitrariedades in the next governments Outside to the government, Rui Barbosa became the main opponent of the arbitrariedades and the authoritarian disobediences of Floriano Peixoto and in critical hand-vise of the first civil presidents: Cautious of Moral and Salles Fields. 6.
The industry of civil construction 6.1. The habitation lack the escravismo the laboring life was after not substantiated only in its social relations, as well as for its conditions of life. Many workers worked in specific places, in devaluated regions. The low price of lands and the proximity of the railroad stations attracted the new industries and many of the immigrants just-fond for the Brs, the Good one I remove and the Mooca. He had a standard of housing represented for the tenement house excess. Normally, the small habitations of poor, monotonous and humble style formed that standard.
The houses, in general, constructed in ‘ ‘ ugly and strong style of colnia’ ‘ , it does not have more than what one or two floors. All a set of medium brown and tristonhos roofs, raised in a unmatched feio: building desrebocados, encardidos (…) true frangalhos architectural. The slopes that trepam stop the mount is damaged and dirty. They have, however, a life intensssima, serving, as they serve the immense beehive human being, active and rumorosa that is installed and lived there.