
Posted by laurapayne on Jul 14, 2016 in News |

However, about 97,5% of all the existing water she is salty, that is, improper for the human consumption. The others 2.5% are candy and are distributed between calotas polar, the water-bearing underground, rivers, lakes and other reservoirs. But 1% of the water candy are in condition of being used to advantage by the humanity, but it is not distributed equally in the surface of the planet, some regions they suffer sufficiently with the scarcity of water, others, present great hdrico potential. The drinking waters scarcity is reaching alarming ratios. Since 1972 already a world-wide water crisis was pronounced during the Conference of United Nations on the Environment in Estocolmo. In the decade of 1990, one confirmed that 80 countries, that represented 40% of the world-wide population, suffered from serious water lack and that in many cases this lack was a limitante factor for the economic and social development.

If the style of life of the population not to move rigorously, one room of the world-wide population will suffer with the problem of the water scarcity during the next decades. The drinking waters demand it increases quickly with the gradual development of a country. In Madagascar, for example, a citizen consumes 5,4 liters of water per day, already in the United States the consumption is of 500 liters/per capita day, being that great part of this volume is wasted. In Brazil, we live in a privileged situation to the remain of the nations, since 53% of the water candy of the South America belong to Brazil. The challenge to supply drinking waters the population alone tends to increase in the next years.


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