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Posted by laurapayne on Jul 14, 2016 in News

However, about 97,5% of all the existing water she is salty, that is, improper for the human consumption. The others 2.5% are candy and are distributed between calotas polar, the water-bearing underground, rivers, lakes and other reservoirs. But 1% of the water candy are in condition of being used to advantage by the humanity, but it is not distributed equally in the surface of the planet, some regions they suffer sufficiently with the scarcity of water, others, present great hdrico potential. The drinking waters scarcity is reaching alarming ratios. Since 1972 already a world-wide water crisis was pronounced during the Conference of United Nations on the Environment in Estocolmo. In the decade of 1990, one confirmed that 80 countries, that represented 40% of the world-wide population, suffered from serious water lack and that in many cases this lack was a limitante factor for the economic and social development.

If the style of life of the population not to move rigorously, one room of the world-wide population will suffer with the problem of the water scarcity during the next decades. The drinking waters demand it increases quickly with the gradual development of a country. In Madagascar, for example, a citizen consumes 5,4 liters of water per day, already in the United States the consumption is of 500 liters/per capita day, being that great part of this volume is wasted. In Brazil, we live in a privileged situation to the remain of the nations, since 53% of the water candy of the South America belong to Brazil. The challenge to supply drinking waters the population alone tends to increase in the next years.


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The Club

Posted by laurapayne on Aug 29, 2012 in News

It makes if necessity to warn that it has a retrocession in the ambient quarrels, mainly in these debates around the development, and its relation with the environment, that passes of a critical perspective in the decade of 50/60/70, with the critical proper a development idea, opposing the dominant vision that promulgated ' ' culto' ' to the development, (that it would be a solution for some social and economic problems), and gradually it is emptied in the conception of sustainable development. Elucidating all this antagonistic atmosphere of line of thought, different vises, and different interests C.W.P. Gonalves points that: ' ' Years 1950/60 hold this ambiguity with regard to desenvolvimentismo idea, whose effect will be felt in the new period of the globalization process that will be followed. It is that in those years if it questions the development there exactly where it seemed to have given certain – that is, in the Europe and the United States -, at the moment where this idea will be being recouped in Latin America, in Africa and Asia, when the theory of the subdesenvolvimento (Yves Lacoste gains body, Stolen Celso). In this manner, the desenvolvimentismo if spreads out in the Third World at the same time where the desenvolvimentismo was questioned in the Primeiro' ' (GONALVES, 2004, P. 25). The affirmation of Gonalves contemplates, for example, the reality of Brazil of this time, in the case a country of ' ' Third Mundo' ' , that it found in government J.K all the proposal and all the idea of desenvolvimentismo told for the author, and correspondent to other countries of ' ' Third Mundo' '. In the decade of 70 this antagonism concerning the problematic one of the development continues, and perhaps it increases for being more clearly the interests of the two vises. We can perceive this clarity and this antagonism in two events we importantssimos, that they had occurred almost parallel, that they are: The Club of Rome with the confection of the report ' ' Limits of the Crescimento' ' (1971), and the World-wide Conference on the Environment, in Estocolmo (1972).


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Posted by laurapayne on Jul 2, 2012 in News

In other words the space expression of the segregation is ‘ ‘ area natural’ ‘ , defined for Zorbaugh as being a geographic area characterized by the physical and cultural individuality. Already for Corra (2005), it is a process of impersonal competition that generates space of domination of the different social groups. As we can notice the urban space is divided; this fact can easily be observed through the residential segregation in the city, as example, we will take areas you go off to confirm our proposal: Anhangera sector, where the resident population has one high one can buying, and in contrast of this situation is the sector blue sky, where the population is of low income; these two realities in them evidence the social division of the space. Then we notice that the segregation is a process that aims at the homogenization of definitive social classes, according to its purchasing power in determined areas (quarter) of the city the internal level (inside of the area), and materializes in the space a heterogeneidade between the areas, regarding this Corra fact says in them: In the measure where these forces act intensely and for a long period of time, they generate a marcante spalling of social structure, at the same time where if it verifies increasing concentration of activities and population in the city.

Of the localization differentiated in the urban space of these broken up social classrooms, the residential segregation of the Capitalist city emerges. (CORRA, 2005, P. 62) Then we see that this process of segregation, aims at to privilege some and to exclude the great majority of the residents, in this context the capitalist State directly acts when endowing selectively the urban space, of urban equipment; at this moment it favors a slice of the society; but of greater only purchasing power.


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River San Francisco

Posted by laurapayne on Jun 12, 2012 in News

In the Paraba and the Valley of Cariri (CE), it develops the cotton of long fiber, good quality and great value in the world-wide market. The POTENTIALITIES OF the HINTERLAND NORTHEASTERN In recent years, thanks to the construction of dams and to the coherent event of some plans of irrigation implanted by the government, the scene has been changedded into some points of the Hinterland. A model is the fruticultura developed throughout the River San Francisco, destined the Juazeiro, that determined an extensive project of irrigation volvida for high the regional domestic commerce of purchasing power and for the external business. In this aspect, the Hinterland possesss the landscapes that are dominated by the half-dryness: intermittent rivers, pedregosos ground and vegetation of Caatinga. To a large extent of the sub-region sertaneja prevailing to the great properties, where the extensive one of cut exercises cattle.

The bovine cattle is servant untied, in very poor pastures and after that it goes for the frigorferos. The animals are not chosen they receive few cares, therefore, the profit is low. Lately, some farmers have looked for to improve the quality of the flocks, acasalando species that if adaptam better to dry and seating research ranks, to attract more the southeastern consuming market. In the Hinterland also he has many flocks of goat, since the goats animal are adapted the dry places. In great farms, the creation is associated with the vegetal extrativismo. Different vegetal species are explored: the oiticica, licuri and especially carnaba that it appears in next areas to the fluvial valleys, where the humidity is bigger. Carnaba is called tree of the step, because of it everything is gained: the wood; the fruits, as feeding for the cattle; the seeds, that supply kitchen oil; the roots, for remedies; the leves, for covering of the houses and production of nets, hampers, ropes and mats.


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