The Management
Not only in the tangible and concrete aspects, but mainly in the conceptual and intangible aspects, therefore this management has been responsible for the successful organizations and it arrives in port for it of intellectual capital that symbolizes, the importance of the human factor in the new times. According to Chiavenato (2004), the great differential and the main competitive advantage of the companies elapse of the people who in them work, therefore are these who produce, vendem, serve the customer, take decisions, lead, motivate, communicate, supervise, they manage and they dirigem the businesses of the companies, in deep the organizations are formed by people. Thus, from 1990, it must be related to this subject, as administration of people and not administration of human resources, therefore this boarding tends to personalize and to visualize the people as human beings, endowed with abilities and intellectual capacities. Still in accordance with Chiavenato (2004), this trend already is fortified in the direction to pass if to use the administration with the people, deducing itself that the companies start to understand that this form of administration means to together touch the organization with the internal collaborators and partners that know more it. The people more are today not seen as a passive organizacional resource and yes, as active beings inside of these, capable to take decisions, to innovate inside and to undertake of the organizations. They currently are seen as agents of development and, therefore endowed with intelligence, ability, sensitivity, value, talent, capacity and vision becoming thus indispensable its participation and contributions in the successful companies, that is, the organizations depend on them to reach its objectives and to fulfill its missions..