University Castello Branco
In day 30 of November of 2000, the MEC, through the DEPES – Department of Superior Education directs the Craft of n 13,803/00 authorizeing the Verifying Commission to make the work of Evaluation in-leases of the functioning conditions that had beginning in 24 of January of 2001 and conclusion in 27 of February of 2001, whose Report culminated in the Final Global Concept of the Course with the Classification ' ' B' ' that it was commemorated with euphoria for the group of educators who had initiated this taken over on a contract basis. From this so dreamed Authorization that would have to occur impreterivelmente until day 27 of March of 2001 it did not happen. Waited 120 days the Facib it initiated its activities and until today it waits that the MEC legalizes the lawsuit that must have occurred in the year of 2001. The 10 years that if had followed had been marked by intense materialized persecutions under the form of calumnious denunciations, matrix notadamente politician. Unacceptable situation in a Country that gave to the first steps route the Democracy. The truth is that the Facib throughout these years, offering only 1 Course, already It graduated about 9.473 pupils joint actions with the Urca – Regional University of Cariri and UCB – University Castello Branco, supported for Parecer 313/2002 that it was reexamined by Parecer 202/2003 homologated finally for the Tarso Minister Son-in-law of the MEC – Ministry of the Education, duly published I GIVE in it – Federal official gazette of day 13 of April of 2004 – Section 1 – Page 07 – Would carry 978. The fight did not finish and until today we implement actions individualizadas next to the MEC to regularize the situation of the Facib and many are the solution promises. What it lacks exactly are social actions and favorable politics, capable to the same fight with vigor the actions of agent against principal to the process of university inclusion of a region with great potential of development.